
Benefits Of Massage

10 benefits of massage that you should know!

  1. Stress Relief and Relaxation

Massage can help lower levels of cortisol in your body leading to reduced levels of stress and enhancing relaxation. Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands that helps regulate blood glucose, it regulates the bodies response to stress or danger, it helps control blood pressure, and reduces inflammation. Hence, by reducing the cortisol levels in the body, we can enter a state of relaxation.

  1. Relieves Constipation

If you are struggling with constipation or digestive issues, a massage on the stomach in a circular motion to stimulate the bowels and alleviate some of your discomfort.

  1. Relieves Tension headache

A tension headache can feel like there is a tight band wrapped tightly around your head. Massage of the shoulders, neck, and head (particularly the TMJ) can help alleviate muscle tension and reduce the effects of the headache.

  1. Helps reduce insomnia

As mentioned above, massage can help alleviate stress and promote relaxation, hereby alleviating insomnia and improving deep sleep. It is highly recommended that this is coupled with a bedtime routine and less screen time before sleeping.

  1. Management of Myofascial pain syndrome

Myofascial pain syndrome is a chronic pain condition where pressure on your muscles can cause pain. Massage can help provide temporary relief to the muscles that are experiencing pain from this condition. Please be advised it is not a cure, rather a pain management treatment.

  1. Improve Muscle soreness and strains

After intense workouts or when you have injured an area, massage can increase circulation to the affected area which will promote recovery by providing fresh oxygen and nutrients to the area and removal of waste products. Additionally, if there is an injury, the fresh blood with bring collagen to promote the healing process.

  1. Temporary arthritis and joint pain relief

There are 2 types of arthritis, but they both cause increased tension in the muscles and tendons surrounding the affected joints. By releasing this built-up tension in the muscles, massage can provide temporary relief. Additionally, massage promotes lymph drainage and blood circulation the affected area which will help lubricate the joint. Ensure to tell your therapist that you have arthritis before a session to avoid them causing more pain appose to relief.

  1. Improved circulation during pregnancy

Getting a massage during pregnancy can improve circulation and lymph drainage. Be sure to find a therapist that knows how to position you correctly for your massage to avoid positions that could compromise your health. Additionally, get clearance from your doctor before you get a massage.

  1. Improved flexibility

Massage helps reduce muscle tension which is great for helping lengthen muscles, this ultimately increases the flexibility of muscles and joints. The benefits of improved flexibility include the reduction of muscle imbalances which reduces the risk of injuries when exercising.

  1. Enhanced exercise performance

Massage helps to flush waste products (Carbon Dioxide and Lactic Acid) out of the muscles and bring fresh oxygen and nutrients to the muscles. This allows muscles to recover faster between training and enhances subsequent performances. 

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